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Gabriel Burczyk

Founder & CEO

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Bull Market - Happy Four Year Anniversary - Federated Investors

Posted by Gabriel Burczyk | Founder & CEO

March 12, 2013

Federated Investors’ Senior Portfolio Manager, Philip Orlando, goes in depth with the latest economic and corporate news affecting the stock market. "Over the past four years, the financial markets have shrugged off a mixed, but improving, economic picture, while largely ignoring the ongoing fiscal-policy dysfunction in Washington. Focusing instead on the resilience of the U.S. economy and a powerful rebound in corporate profits, stock investors have driven the Dow Jones Industrial Average to an all-time record high on the fourth anniversary of the Great Recession’s market’s trough, while the other major equity indices are not far off."

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Federated Investors Inc

2013 Review and Outlook - WHV Investment Management

January 18, 2013
Wentworth Hauser’s latest investment commentary reviews the recent tax legislation, the modestly growing economy, sub-par employment rate, housing market recovery and China. "As we enter 2013, the United States is faced with both short- and long-term challenges. Over the short term the U.S. must address the revenue shortfall and spending excesses that result in budget deficits. The employment problem of the past five years is due to below average GDP growth of the current economic recovery. The second challenge is long-term reform to the nation’s entitlement programs of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and some fifty other welfare benefits." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Wentworth, Hauser & Violich [+] Read More

Starting the Year On a Much Better Note - Astor Asset Management

January 17, 2013
Astor Asset Management’s January 2013 investment commentary reviews 2012, looks towards 2013 and provides commentary for their portfolio strategies. "After a turbulent December due to Fiscal Cliff concerns, we have started the year on a much better note. With a deal being reached at the 11th hour, equity markets shot higher to start the year and have slowly crept higher while chopping around in a tight channel. The bond, currency, and commodity markets have seen a lot of action so far this year with rates initially spiking in the first week of the year and tapering off recently." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Astor Asset Management [+] Read More

Transfer-on-Death Designations: Understanding the Pros and Cons

November 16, 2012
“Transfer-on-death (TOD) designations provide a simple, direct process for transferring assets to named beneficiaries, bypassing the probate process. While this simplicity is attractive, it can also have drawbacks. That’s why it’s important to understand both the pros and cons.” Download the Report Here [+] Read More

Third Quarter Emerging Markets Equity Commentary - Wentworth Hauser

November 9, 2012
Wentworth Hauser’s latest emerging markets investment commentary looks at the situation in several different countries and how global central bank actions affect them. "The world stock markets continue to be strongly influenced by a plethora of macro factors. While past negative news gave ample reason for investors to worry, positive actions kindled an equivalently strong rebound in world markets. The world's central banks continue to fuel strong stock market advances as conventional and non-conventional measures are being used in an attempt to offset a distinct lack of credible fiscal policy initiatives in developed countries. The Federal Reserve Bank initiated the latest quantitative easing program (QE3) involving the large scale acquisition of mortgage-backed securities in an attempt to somewhat offset the anticipated recessionary effects caused by the previously discussed advent of the "Fiscal Cliff". Incidentally, the US economy might be able to better handle the onset of this event as residential real estate appears to have bottomed and employment statistics are showing signs of improvement." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Wentworth, Hauser & Violich [+] Read More

Earnings Resiliency Creates Attractive Opportunities - Fred Alger

October 20, 2012
Fred Alger's Fall 2012 investment commentary focuses on corporate earnings and where they see opportunities moving forward. "We are encouraged to see companies either start paying dividends or increase dividends. Many companies are also buying back stock at an aggressive rate. The result, we believe, is to put a fundamental floor on the U.S. stock market. We are highly encouraged by what we’ve seen in corporate fundamentals and market reactions. Regulators across the world are raising the rhetoric about slowing economic growth and in many parts of the world, such as China and Brazil, policies are clearly moving to a stimulative stance. In other parts, like Europe, it’s mostly rhetoric that is supporting equity market gains, but we increasingly think stimulus from policymakers is likely. We maintain that it is not time to sell equities as some suggest. Rather, it is time to buy if you have a time horizon that goes beyond a year, and buy more on market dips if you already own equities. During this back to school season, it is time to embrace equities and the rigorous work of conducting in-depth, fundamental research that we believe can find attractive opportunities. And it’s time to diversify away from a likely losing asset class that is offering historically low yields: U.S. Treasuries." Click here to read Fred Alger’s Full Commentary. Get Free Research Reports about Fred Alger [+] Read More

Strategic Dividend September Commentary - Federated Investors

October 5, 2012
In their September commentary for the Strategic Value Dividend portfolio, Federated Investors summarizes what they see for the final quarter in 2012. "As the fourth quarter of 2012 begins and the broad market focuses on issues such as the upcoming election, the persisting debt crisis in Europe, etc., the Strategic Value Dividend portfolio will continue to stay above the fray and remain rooted in its unwavering dedication to provide its investors with a high and rising dividend cash stream. By investing in companies that have both the ability and the inclination to pay and increase their dividends, the Strategic Value Dividend portfolio also seeks to position itself well to achieve superior long-term total returns for its investors, since history has shown dividend yield and dividend growth to be the primary drivers of historical total returns in equities. The portfolio is further complemented by the natural lower downside risk features of its high quality, high yielding holdings. All of these factors may make the Strategic Value Dividend portfolio a viable strategy for a wide array of investors, and demonstrate the benefits of investing in high quality, well-established companies that pay large and rising dividends to their investors." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Federated Investors Inc [+] Read More

Expect a "Flight to Quality" Next - Navellier

September 25, 2012
Louis Navellier expects a flight to quality after the 10% surge in the S&P 500 during the summer. "Stocks were off fractionally last week, but we closed the summer months (June 21 to September 21) up 10.2% in the S&P 500 and +11.2% in NASDAQ. I don’t think we’ll match those gains in the autumn months - due to new global uncertainties, an election that seems too close to call, and a potential decline in third-quarter earnings - but the silver lining is that there should be a "flight to quality."" Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Navellier & Associates, Inc. [+] Read More

A New Century for Markets - Forward Capital Management

September 19, 2012
Paul Lobosco, President of Forward Capital Management, shares his latest thoughts on the economy, markets, European events and more in his August newsletter. "Markets behave so differently today than they did 10 or 20 years ago. I am in awe of the pace of change and the volatility. This earnings season - the 2nd quarter of 2012 - has been the craziest I have ever seen. Seriously. From the European roller coaster to the Sandy Weill comments to the constant triple-digit Dow moves. There's so much to talk about. I thought I'd refer to some important topics via bullet points." Click here to read Forward Capital’s Full Commentary Get Free Research Reports about Forward Capital Management [+] Read More

The Fed May Provide Monetary Easing 'Fairly Soon' - Navellier

August 27, 2012
Louis Navellier examines the possibility of further Fed easing after the upcoming September Fed meeting in Jackson Hole, WY. "The market's six-week winning streak came to an end last week with a small (0.5%) drop in the S&P 500. We will likely see one more week of these "dog days" of August, characterized by light trading volume and sideways motion. With the distraction of political conventions over the next two weeks, I suspect that the stock market will continue to meander listlessly until the August payroll report (released September 7), followed by the possibility of QE-3 coming out of the FOMC meeting September 12-13." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Navellier & Associates, Inc. [+] Read More