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Michael J. O'Connor

CWS®, Vice President Investments

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What to do about Creeping Market Volatility

Posted by Michael J. O'Connor | CWS®, Vice President Investments

August 20, 2015

We recently wrote a post addressing volatility in China – in just one months’ time (mid-June to mid-July), the market there lost one third of its value.1 The wild swing in Chinese equities did not necessarily send shock waves through the global markets (which remain slightly positive on the year), but it did effectively raise eyebrows amongst investors curious if the downside volatility could be contagious.

They might have a point. If you consider the ongoing Greece sovereign debt crisis, the persistent geopolitical threat posed by ISIS, concern over slowing growth rates in China, and the relative calm in the domestic equities markets (S&P 500) over the last few years, it feels like there could be an opening for increased volatility.

Taking a look at the chart below, you can see that from 2012 – 2014, the market has had very few 5+% pullbacks, which draws a sharp contrast to the previous three years and to history in general. Indeed, moderate pullbacks happen frequently even in normal times.

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Portfolio Strategy

Will China's Market Volatility Affect Your Investment Portfolio?

August 12, 2015
China’s stock market was down over a third from mid-June to mid-July, wiping out almost $4 trillion in value. The market had risen some 150% over a year ending in June 1—so it’s actually still up from where it started in January 2—but nevertheless it has made for quite a media spectacle. [+] Read More

5 Ways to Reduce Estate Taxes

August 6, 2015
Estate taxes are a hot-topic amongst both political parties and often big news when they are brought to the forefront of campaigns. While the parties battle back and forth, there are still some ways you can potentially reduce the impact of taxes on your estate. Using an estate planning checklist is a good place to start, as it helps you map out your estate planning strategy. Rather than take estate planning advice from just anyone, consider what you really want to do with your money and look for estate planning tips that are tailored to the plans, goals, and ideas you have. Here are five potential ways to lower your estate tax bill. [+] Read More

Mutual Fund Taxation: How to Deal with a 7-Year Bull Market

July 8, 2015
It’s been quite a bull run for stocks, and the benefits are many for those who have been heavily invested in the stock market these last seven years.1 However, there is a downside to such a run, taxes on capital gains distributions. Over the past several years, the amount of capital gains has steadily increased, and the increase will likely continue as long as the stock market continues to rally. This leads investors to wonder what they can do to decrease their tax burden. Before we talk about possible strategies, let’s take a look at the situation. After several years of gains, funds began making payouts, just small payouts at first and gradually larger and larger percentages per share. These payouts qualify as taxable gains, and as such, they are taxable. Additionally, payouts lead to outflows when what you really want to do is preserve your capital. Capital gains don’t often fit into investors’ long-term wealth strategies, so it’s wise to know what other options are available to you. [+] Read More

3 Reasons for International Diversification in Your Portfolio

June 29, 2015
Another day, another headline about a potential Greek exit from the eurozone. The “negotiations” between European leaders and Greece over the past few days have ended in (sometimes quite bitter) stalemates, and Greece is running out of time to secure their next bailout. They owe the International Monetary Fund €1.53 billion by June 30,1 and it does not appear as though they have the cash needed to pay up. So what does this mean for investors and your portfolios? If Greece does not strike a deal with other members of the eurozone very soon, it could mean a messy exit from the currency bloc and could have rippling effects on Europe and the global economy. As investors, it is one thing to think about how Greece’s economy would fare on its own without the support of Europe (might not be too pretty), and entirely another to mull the rippling effects that a “Grexit” could have on the rest of the world. [+] Read More

Tax Season's Over. Time to Focus on Estate Planning

May 13, 2015
Filing taxes often puts our financial lives under a microscope, and that’s a good thing – we take stock of where we stand financially and we can review strategic opportunities for how we take income, how we spend, and how we invest. With all of this information already out on the table, a sound next step is to shift focus to your estate plan. Tax and estate laws are constantly changing, so the planning process can be complex and you should enroll the help of professionals in each area as you get started. But there are also a few core elements of planning that have been fairly constant over the years, and we’ve assembled them into an estate planning checklist for you as a basic guide. [+] Read More

How Rising Interest Rates May Affect Your Investments

March 26, 2015
After years of cash yields of nearly zero across North America and Europe,1 the Federal Reserve has indicated that it is finally moving toward moving interest rates higher. [+] Read More

Dividend Growth As Part of Your Tax Planning Strategy

February 25, 2015
Income-yielding investments can be an integral part of your retirement lifestyle planning. Incorporating dividend growth investments into your retirement plan doesn’t have to be difficult. When choosing investments that will provide a steady stream of income, look beyond just fixed-income securities like bonds, CDs, and money market funds. Stocks, too, can be an important source of investment income. [+] Read More

Boosting Your Retirement Income in the New Year

December 31, 2014
Many people think of Social Security as a steady, if meager, contributor to their retirement income—no flexibility, but at least it shows up monthly. The truth is, however, that there are strategies you can use to maximize your Social Security income. By incorporating these strategies into your overall retirement lifestyle planning, you can provide yourself with more options during retirement. The Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits The Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits allows for one spouse to begin collecting spousal benefits even as their own retirement benefits continue to grow. If you continue to let one spouse’s benefits grow until age 70, the benefit will be quite a bit higher than it would have been if collected at age 66. [+] Read More

Bill Gross’ PIMCO Departure – 4 Strategic Wealth Management Lessons

November 12, 2014
With much fanfare and a great deal of press, legendary bond investor Bill Gross shockingly announced his resignation from PIMCO on September 26, after 43 years with the company. Known as the “Bond King” for his track record managing the $222 billion PIMCO Total Return fund, Gross was leaving the company he helped found in 1971 and that he grew into a $2 trillion behemoth.1 Whatever the reasons behind his departure, it gives investors good reason to ask an important question: when the portfolio manager leaves a fund, should you remove your investments from the fund? The four considerations outlined below will help answer this important question. [+] Read More