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Valerie De Vol


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Doctors Have the Hippocratic Oath - What About Financial Advisors?

Posted by Valerie De Vol | President

August 7, 2014

The Hippocratic oath for doctors dates back 2,500 years, and it is credited to Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. As far back as the oath reaches, it’s core meaning still remains today – a doctor must put the interests of every patient before their own.1

We think the same principle should apply to financial advisors. Someone who gives you investment advice should act in your best interests and place your interests ahead of their own. Importantly, that also means not making recommendations simply because they produce higher commissions for the advisor or their investment firm.

Do Financial Advisors Have to Put Your Interests Before Their Own?

Not necessarily.

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Hiring a Financial Advisor Fiduciary

Protect Your Nest Egg: 4 Financial Scams to Watch Out For

July 26, 2014
According to a recent MetLife survey, $2.6 billion is lost each year to financial scams aimed at seniors and retirees.1 Being aware of the common financial scams is a good first step in protecting your nest egg, but hiring a financial advisor as your sounding board could be your best defense. Your advisor may have seen the scam before and can help prevent it from happening to you. 4 Common Financial Scams to Look Out For and How to Protect Yourself 1) “Reduce the Interest Rate on Your Credit Card” If an unsolicited caller says they can reduce your credit card rate and asks for your existing credit card number and personal information, hang up.2 You can always call your credit card company directly if you want to negotiate rates. It is important not to give your social security number or credit card number to anyone but the most trusted companies you have a working relationship with. [+] Read More

SEC Unveils the Aberrational Performance Inquiry for Hedge Funds

December 23, 2011
A recent compliance alert from ACA Compliance Group describes the SEC's initiative to combat fraud in hedge funds, known as the Aberrational Performance Inquiry. The program "aims to identify "abnormal" fund performance, that is, fund performance that is inconsistent with fund strategies and/or benchmarks." In an attempt to "thwart various illegal practices," the SEC "will pay particular attention to returns consistently greater than three percent of their respective market index." Source: ACA Compliance Group Download Full Commmentary Here [+] Read More

Weird Science and the Concept of Value - Tradewinds Global Investors

June 2, 2011
In his latest must read commentary, Chief Investment Officer David Iben at money manager Tradewinds discusses the concept of money and its use throughout history. "When discounting future cash flows, the "value" of that cash at the time it is received in the future should be in the forefront of peoples' minds. Fiat currencies and bonds are somebody's liability. Governments' ability to make good on these obligations is imperative. In light of the current, precarious situation of most issuers of paper currency and sovereign bonds, Tradewinds prefers to own good business franchises and tangible wealth." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Tradewinds NWQ Global Investors, LLC [+] Read More

Lazard Asset Management's Outlook on Emerging Markets

April 14, 2011
Money manager Lazard Asset Management comments on the emerging market developments over the last quarter and believes there are opportunities for investors with long-term investment horizons. They "remain confident in the emerging markets' robust fundamentals, and we believe that the longer-term outlook for the asset class is bright." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Lazard Asset Management [+] Read More

Comparing Central Banks with Macquarie Allegiance

March 28, 2011
Money manager Macquarie Allegiance compares the actions of the US, EU and Chinese central banks over the last decade and how certain trends may be fading. "A lot of attention is on the Federal Reserve policy outlook, unsurprisingly because the economy is proving strong and the second round of quantitative easing is scheduled to end in June 2011. However, an international perspective would suggest that the Fed is no longer leading global policy; in fact the Fed is likely to be the next to last major developed country central bank to tighten monetary policy." Download Full Commmentary Here [+] Read More

Alliance Bernstein Asks "How Will Shocks from Abroad Affect the US?"

March 22, 2011
"Rising oil prices and the disaster in Japan have added new risks to the global economy in 2011. We have not yet changed our forecast for US growth of 3.8% this year. But we're watching closely for signs of higher energy prices eroding consumer spending, and monitoring the potential disruption on US manufacturing if supply chains from Japan face prolonged downtime." Joseph G. Carson, US Economist and Director - Global Economic Research at Alliance Bernstein revisits Alliance Bernstein's 2011 forecast in consideration of recent events. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about AllianceBernstein LP [+] Read More

Macquarie Allegiance's 2011 Rollercoaster Ride

February 3, 2011
Money manager Macquarie Allegiance's January commentary reviews 2010 and provides their outlook for 2011. Graham McDevitt, the Co-Chief Investment Officer, believes the 'ride' this year will be significantly different compared to the rollercoaster of 2010. Read about their themes and risks facing investors in 2011 in this month's commentary. Download Full Commmentary Here [+] Read More

Quantitative Pleasing - Roosevelt Investments

November 22, 2010
On the heels of the Fed's announcement regarding QE2, the mid-term election, and a host of good economic data and corporate earnings reports, we are starting to feel incrementally more optimistic about the near-term. Nevertheless, our view continues to be that the most likely path forward will be the slow, plodding recovery providing periods of softness accompanied by volatility. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Roosevelt Investment Group [+] Read More

Lord Abbett Says the Economy Cannot Recover Without Healthy Securitization Markets

September 14, 2010
Although the recession may have ended in the third quarter of 2009, a number of threats to the recovery continue to loom. Some believe that one of these is the stagnation of the securitization market. As the Financial Times reported last year, "Securitized markets - which financed more than half of all credit in the United States in the years immediately preceding the crisis - are essential for the U.S. economy. Without a recovery in these markets, the flow of credit will not return to more normal levels, even if U.S. banks overcome their problems." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Lord Abbett Company Llc [+] Read More