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Economy Poised for Growth, Equities Higher – Federated Investors

Posted by WrapManager's Investment Policy Committee

September 24, 2014

Dividend money manager Federated Investors’ commentary discusses why they believe the economy is poised to grow even further this year, driving equities to new highs.

“2014 hardly could have started worse, with a brutal and seemingly never-ending winter bringing activity to a halt and keeping shoppers at home in much of the country. The final first-quarter estimate told the story, with real gross domestic product (GDP) contracting a much worse-than-expected 2.1%. But there’s a reason the equity market shook off the number. It was, after all, so yesterday.

What today and the rest of the year look like are much different, as manufacturing and jobs appear to be accelerating, auto and retail sales are on the upswing and even housing is showing some signs of pulling out of its funk. The government’s estimate of second-quarter growth was a well-above-consensus 4.2%, in line with our view that the economy is settling onto a higher growth plane that will drive equities to new highs this year and into 2015.”

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Dividend Investing Retirement Income Strategy

International Money Manager of the Year: Cambiar Investors

September 3, 2014
For 10 years, the publication Investment Advisor has researched and ranked who they consider the best money managers across the country. They seek out money manager strategies that apply sustainable and repeatable investment processes, with a goal to deliver consistent performance through various business and market cycles.1 In 2014, the award for Best International/Global Equity Money Manager of the Year went to Cambiar Investors. We think it is a well-deserved accolade for Cambiar, who also took home this award in 2012.2 The consistency of their investment approach alongside their track record has earned them the highest respects from Investment Advisor, and also helped garner them a spot on WrapManager’s “Top Equity Money Manager Picks for 2014.” [+] Read More

Your Comprehensive Guide to the Markets - JP Morgan Presentation

August 20, 2014
We are happy to present JP Morgan’s Third Quarter Guide to the Markets, narrated by their Chief Marketing Strategist Dr. David Kelly, CFA. This easy and comprehensive 30-minute presentation focuses on the risks and opportunities in the ongoing global recovery, including: Growth outlook for the US and international economies Interest rates and which way they are likely to go Outlook for US, international and emerging stock markets Fixed income market review “People need to invest based not on how they feel about the economy, but based on how they think, based on the facts, based on the numbers. And that’s really what the Guide to the Markets is dedicated to.” - Dr. David Kelly, JP Morgan. Watch the Presentation Here Note: JP Morgan will ask for a name and email to watch the presentation. [+] Read More

Newfound Research: The Need for Tactical Solutions Across Generations

August 13, 2014
Tactical money manager Newfound Research explains why portfolio drawdowns become more damaging as retirement nears and makes the case that baby boomers need a risk managed solution when it comes to investing. “When we think about retirement specifically, many people’s savings are extremely back-loaded. The years leading up to retirement tend to be when a person has the most earning potential and can put the most money to work in their investment portfolio. As a result, drawdowns that occur closer to retirement can be significantly more devastating than drawdowns that occur earlier in a person’s career.” Read Newfound's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Newfound Research [+] Read More

Market Volatility is Around the Corner - Cambiar Investors

August 12, 2014
International money manager Cambiar Investors details the performance of their strategies and the global markets in their latest commentary. While remaining optimistic, they see increased stock market volatility in the second half of 2014 and stress the importance of diversification and balance within portfolios. “Looking ahead to the second half of the year, Cambiar remains optimistic about the overall positioning of the International Equity and Global Select portfolios. We continue to believe that Japan offers a compelling risk/reward opportunity, emboldened by solid execution and attractive valuations at the corporate level, as well as strengthening macroeconomic data. Cambiar is also encouraged by the recent policy actions of the ECB to combat disinflation, although an important next step will be to evaluate if these measures provide the necessary catalyst for increased lending volumes.“ Download Cambiar's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Cambiar Investors [+] Read More

Churchill Management Group – Is the Emperor Wearing Clothes?

July 31, 2014
“Cautiously bullish” is how money manager Churchill Management Group describes their tactical portfolios at present. Their latest commentary addresses the concern that the market may not be as wonderful as we are told. “Given that we are well past the “buy zone” off the bottom, at this stage we are examining our indicators for signs of a top, or when it will be time to protect. Fundamentally, the story has changed very little. The key driver has been the historically low interest rates causing a lift in asset values. No matter how bad U.S. economic fundamentals come in, the Fed’s ability to keep interest rates low works as the trump card that keeps investors in the stock market and prices moving higher. In simple terms, many investors are frustrated by the low returns on other investment alternatives, such as bonds, and feel forced into the stock market in hopes of increasing total returns. The laws of supply and demand then take hold, and with the increased demand for stocks, prices go up.“ Download Churchill's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Churchill Management [+] Read More

Shake-Up at Windhaven Investment Management

July 29, 2014
In 1994, Steve Cucchario founded what would later become Windhaven Investment Management, an investment advisory firm that uses actively managed ETF portfolios1 to “capture growth in rising markets while attempting to reduce exposure in declining ones.”2 Now, after 20 years running the company and serving as Chief Investment Officer, Cucchario has left for “personal reasons.”1 Investors who have assets with Windhaven or are considering investing should speak with their financial advisor about the implications of Cucchario’s departure. Windhaven’s initial success and tremendous growth came partially as a result of Cucchario’s vision and leadership, so investors must ask themselves if the future performance of the strategy is jeopardized by his departure. Will the principles that Cucchario instilled in Windhaven that led to its success also depart with him? [+] Read More

Newfound Risk Managed Small-Cap Sectors: A Tactical Way to Invest

July 9, 2014
“Investors do not exist in a world of ‘100 year averages.’ Instead, they live in a world of 40 year investment horizons, where significant declines can “permanently impair retirement portfolios as investors do not necessarily have ‘more time’ to make up from large losses.” This is one of the core tenets that applies to many of money manager Newfound Research’s risk managed investment strategies. One such strategy, the Newfound Risk Managed Small Cap Sectors, is designed to protect and participate: “Participate in the strong growth profile of long-only, un-levered small-capitalization equity portfolio, while still protecting capital through rules that allow the portfolio to move to a 100% cash position in order to protect against large losses.” The intended benefits to you are two-fold: capture the returns of small-cap stocks over time, while having an active, tactical money manager strategy that can move to cash if it perceives increased downside risk. [+] Read More

Churchill Maximum Growth Strategy: Risk-Driven Investing

June 24, 2014
There are two goals of the Churchill Management Group's Maximum Growth Strategy: achieve superior returns when it sees low-risk opportunities in the markets, and protect capital when risks in the stock market are deemed high. In an attempt to maximize returns, the portfolio managers will increase equity exposure and use leveraging techniques when they sense “top-down” low risk environments. In an attempt to protect capital, they may move all or a portion of equity exposure to short-term fixed income instruments or cash equivalents when risk in the stock market is deemed high. If you’re looking for a tactical money manager strategy to manage risk in your portfolio, the Churchill Maximum Growth Strategy is one option to consider. To quickly compare Churchill to other tactical money managers and to learn more about the approach, click here.1 [+] Read More

Boosting Portfolio Income: Newfound Research Risk Managed Income

June 17, 2014
Many investors today are faced with the same problem: how do you generate income in your portfolio when interest rates are so low? In the current market, finding asset classes that generate income at significant enough levels can be difficult: Traditional Income Generators (Click chart for larger version) Source: Newfound Research LLC. Short-Term U.S. Treasuries represented by SHY. Short-Term Corporates represented by CSJ. MBS represented by MBB. Intermediate Term U.S. Treasuries represented by IEF. Total U.S. Bond Market represented by AGG. Long-Term U.S. Treasuries represented by TLT. Intermediate Term Corporates represented by LQD. High Yield Corporates represented by HYG. Yields computed using smoothed trailing 252-day dividends. Starting date for graph is April 2008 because that is first date yields could be computed for all of the ETFs used in the analysis. Newfound Research LLC, a Boston-based tactical money manager focused on risk management, recognizes this problem and has created a distinct solution: The Newfound Risk Managed Income Strategy. The overarching goal of the investment strategy is simple: increase portfolio income in a prudent manner, by investing in traditional equity, fixed income and alternative-income vehicles in a risk-managed framework. In a fully bearish environment, the portfolio has the ability to move entirely to cash. [+] Read More