Many experts expect healthcare costs will continue to rise, making it important that advisors help their clients plan ahead.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, health care has become somewhat less affordable, even among those with health insurance. Since 2015, larger shares of people with health insurance say they have a difficult time affording their healthcare costs: from 27% to 37% for premiums; 34% to 43% for deductibles; and from 24% to 31% for copays and prescription drugs.
Some experts estimate that a 65-year-old couple who retired in 2016 will need $260,000 to cover just healthcare costs in their golden years—6% more than the previous year's estimate of $245,000. That’s the highest estimate since such projections started in 2002, and chances are repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, not to mention the high cost of pharmaceuticals, could push retiree healthcare costs even higher. All of which highlights the need for advisors to discuss with clients the flexibility and power of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
Read on for a summary of their analysis, or view the entire document here.
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