Retiring in today’s world can seem to be a bit of a mystery. It used to be that when you retired, your company threw you a party then sent you home with a comfortable pension and health insurance. While times have changed, that doesn’t mean your retirement has to be any less comfortable or rewarding than your parent’s.
In fact, with all the investment and planning options available today, you and your financial advisor can build a goals-based retirement plan that best suits your income needs, your future plans and your family’s unique situation.
Our popular e-book, 5 Ways to Enhance Your Retirement Planning Strategy So You Can Face the Future with Confidence, provides you with an understanding of five of the most effective methods of planning for your retirement.
1. Understanding the Modern Retirement Landscape
Advancements in health care and technology have lengthened life spans, and today’s retirees have higher expectations of the lifestyle they’ll lead during their Golden Years. The changes in perceptions of retirement lifestyle and life span should prompt changes in the way we plan for retirement.
2. Managing and Enhancing Dividend Income
With interest rates at historic lows, investors need to consider other options for earning income on their investments. At the same time, it’s important to preserve capital by reducing portfolio volatility. This e-book offers valuable tips for achieving both goals.
3. Working in Retirement to Generate Extra Income
In 2014, 31.6% of Americans between the age of 65 and 69 were employed.1 If you plan on working into your late 60s and beyond, it’s important to understand the ramifications of earning money at a time when you can begin taking Social Security benefits and retirement fund distributions.
4. Making the Most of Your Required Minimum Distributions
Generally speaking, Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) must be withdrawn annually from IRAs beginning with the year when retirees reach 70 ½ years of age, but you might find that it’s advantageous to delay your first RMD, if possible, in your situation. In this e-book you’ll learn the potential advantages of delaying, whether you should take your RMD as cash or securities, and special rules for trusts, estate planning, and charities.
5. Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits
Social Security is not a one-size-fits-all program; you have options for when you begin receiving benefits and how much you will receive. In addition, married couples should carefully coordinate their Social Security benefits to maximize their benefits in the long run. This e-book will teach you about the Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits and the value of delaying collection of benefits.
5 Ways to Enhance Your Retirement Planning Strategy So You Can Face the Future with Confidence can help you make the most of your investments and, consequently, the most of your retirement years.

By Gabriel F. Burczyk
Gabriel is the Founder and CEO of WrapManager, Inc. He has been helping clients with goals-based financial planning for more than 20 years and is a recognized authority in using managed accounts for individual wealth management.
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