WrapManager's Wealth Management Blog

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There’s Still Time: Backdoor Roth Conversions

Posted by Gabriel Burczyk | Founder & CEO

August 3, 2016

Two years ago we wrote an article about how high income earners—who are generally excluded from Roth IRAs because of income levels—could still technically contribute to Roth IRAs if they used the right methods. We wrote that “high income earners could make non-deductible contributions to a Traditional IRA (non-deductible IRA), then take that money and move it into a Roth IRA.” This method allowed income earners access to the benefits of the Roth IRA, which notably are: the ability to grow your money tax-free and also make tax-free withdrawals.

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Retirement Planning Investment Plan

Nuveen Weekly Commentary July 2016

July 26, 2016
We Expect Modest Economic and Earnings Improvements Robert C. Doll, CRA, Senior Portfolio Manager, Chief Equity Strategist serves serves as a leading member of the equities investing team for Nuveen Asset Management, providing reasoned analysis through equity portfolio management and ongoing market commentary. [+] Read More

401(k) Diversification– Doug's Quiz Corner

July 18, 2016
Quizmaster, Doug Hutchinson, presents his quiz for the month. This time the topic is 401(k) diversification. Keep reading to find out if Gina is going down the right path with her strategy. [+] Read More

Announcing: WrapManager's Q3 2016 Top Equity Money Manager Picks

July 18, 2016
There are thousands of money managers out there. If you’re trying to figure out which one (or ones) is right for you to help you reach your investment goals, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options. Where do you begin researching and what criteria do you consider? We’d like to help. Each quarter, WrapManager’s Investment Policy Committee (IPC) compiles a list of top money manager picks in order to help investors discover and evaluate money manager strategies. These encompass a wide range of asset classes and investment disciplines. [+] Read More

BlackRock Commentary Midyear 2016

July 12, 2016
With half the year over, BlackRock's commentary delivers an overview for the rest of the year. Read the excerpt here, or download the full BlackRock Midyear 2016 Golobal Investment Outlook report. Markets are torn between anxiety over the fallout from the UK’s vote to exit the European Union and the prospect of a strengthening U.S. economy. Downside risks to global growth point to a U.S. Federal Reserve on hold — and reinforce our view of low global interest rates for long. Our key views: Outlook Forum: At a mid-June gathering of some 90 BlackRock portfolio managers and executives, we had vigorous debates on the outlook for a rebound in U.S. inflation, the prospect of a turnaround in beaten-down emerging markets (EMs) and the woes afflicting the global financial sector. Themes: We updated our three themes for this year: 1) We are living in a low-return world; 2) Monetary policy has been a key driver of asset prices — but its effectiveness looks to be waning; 3) We see more volatility ahead as Brexit-related anxiety weighs on Europe’s economy and the business cycle matures. Risks: We see geopolitical uncertainties and a renewed rise in the U.S. dollar as near-term risks, and populism as a medium-term challenge for trade, growth and markets. A potential surprise: a rally in risk assets prompted by investors shifting out of cash and low-yielding assets in search of higher returns. Markets: We have turned more positive on most fixed income due to elevated geopolitical risks and easy monetary policy in a low-growth world. We like income, including investment-grade credit and EM debt. We are cautious on equities, particularly in Europe, given the turn in risk sentiment and poor profit growth. We prefer dividend growers and quality companies. We like gold as a portfolio diversifier. To learn more about BlackRock and other Money Managers, give us a call at 1-800-541-7774 or contact us here to speak with one of WrapManager's Wealth Managers. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Blackrock Inc [+] Read More

Can You Improve Returns by Checking Your Investment Portfolio Less?

July 6, 2016
Maybe! Recent research from Columbia Business School suggests that it’s possible. Researchers found that checking an investment or retirement portfolio too frequently could result in lower returns.* That’s because investors who are overly driven by day-to-day fluctuations will often feel more emotionally compelled to make changes, which may ultimately veer them off course. The study cited that investors making decisions too often may “rebalance their holdings to get out of stocks that are dropping and miss out when they go back up.” [+] Read More

JP Morgan Market Bulletin: Brexit - a Shock for Markets, or a Crisis?

June 28, 2016
Excerpt from the June 24, 2016 JP Morgan Market Bulletin. Click here to read the entire bulletin. [+] Read More

Cambiar Investors Insight: Brexit Results

June 28, 2016
Cambiar Investors provides insights on the Brexit results. Their commentary can be read in full here. [+] Read More

Federated Investors - Brexit Update June 24

June 28, 2016
Philip Orlando, CFA, from Federated Investors, shares his comments on Brexit. Read a section below from "Orlando's Outlook" or click here to read the entire commentary. Bottom Line In an extraordinary overnight development, the U.K. voted 52% to 48% to leave the European Union. Prime Minister David Cameron, who supported the Remain camp, immediately fell on his sword, announcing he will resign in October after a transition period to select a new [+] Read More

4 Things You May Not Know About Your 401(k)

June 22, 2016
Allow us ‘cut to the chase’ on one thing when it comes to 401(k)s: they are almost always valuable tools for retirement planning, for those who can access them. 401(k)s have been bedrocks of retirement planning for a long time and could remain so for years to come.(Click here to get the ebook, 5 Ways to Enhance Your Retirement Planning Strategy). If you’re working and have access to one, do everything you can to max it out and invest it according to your risk tolerance and long-term objectives. It’s hard to imagine regretting that type of planning. [+] Read More