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Market Volatility is Around the Corner - Cambiar Investors

Posted by WrapManager's Investment Policy Committee

August 12, 2014

International money manager Cambiar Investors details the performance of their strategies and the global markets in their latest commentary. While remaining optimistic, they see increased stock market volatility in the second half of 2014 and stress the importance of diversification and balance within portfolios.

“Looking ahead to the second half of the year, Cambiar remains optimistic about the overall positioning of the International Equity and Global Select portfolios. We continue to believe that Japan offers a compelling risk/reward opportunity, emboldened by solid execution and attractive valuations at the corporate level, as well as strengthening macroeconomic data. Cambiar is also encouraged by the recent policy actions of the ECB to combat disinflation, although an important next step will be to evaluate if these measures provide the necessary catalyst for increased lending volumes.“

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Cambiar Investors, LLC

3 Steps to Take During a Stock Market Correction

August 8, 2014
For all the talk there’s been over the last two-plus years of a looming stock market correction, one has yet to take hold. The S&P 500 had a banner year in 2013, is up this year +4.15% through August 1,1 and has been in a fairly steady climb since 2012. For two years, the market has resisted a correction in the 10% - 20% range.2 In July, however, the S&P 500 posted its first monthly loss since January, and on July 31 saw its biggest point drop since April.3 It’s possible this weakness marks the beginning of a stock market correction, though no expert can know with certainty. What we do know, however, is that corrections are a normal part of bull markets, and there are steps you can take when one occurs. What to Do During a Stock Market Correction Corrections are generally defined as relatively short-lived pullbacks in the market in the 10% - 20% range, something we haven’t seen since the summer of 2012. As you can see below, over the last 34 years the market experiences average intra-year declines of -14.4%. Past Stock Market Corrections and Declines (Click chart for larger version) Source: Standard & Poor’s, FactSet, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Returns are based on price index only and do not include dividends. Intra-year drops refers to the largest market drops from a peak to a trough during the year. For illustrative purposes only. *Returns shown are calendar year returns from 1980 to 2013 excluding 2014 which is year-to-date. Guide to the Markets – U.S. Data are as of 6/30/14. [+] Read More

Doctors Have the Hippocratic Oath - What About Financial Advisors?

August 7, 2014
The Hippocratic oath for doctors dates back 2,500 years, and it is credited to Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. As far back as the oath reaches, it’s core meaning still remains today – a doctor must put the interests of every patient before their own.1 We think the same principle should apply to financial advisors. Someone who gives you investment advice should act in your best interests and place your interests ahead of their own. Importantly, that also means not making recommendations simply because they produce higher commissions for the advisor or their investment firm. Do Financial Advisors Have to Put Your Interests Before Their Own? Not necessarily. [+] Read More

Churchill Management Group – Is the Emperor Wearing Clothes?

July 31, 2014
“Cautiously bullish” is how money manager Churchill Management Group describes their tactical portfolios at present. Their latest commentary addresses the concern that the market may not be as wonderful as we are told. “Given that we are well past the “buy zone” off the bottom, at this stage we are examining our indicators for signs of a top, or when it will be time to protect. Fundamentally, the story has changed very little. The key driver has been the historically low interest rates causing a lift in asset values. No matter how bad U.S. economic fundamentals come in, the Fed’s ability to keep interest rates low works as the trump card that keeps investors in the stock market and prices moving higher. In simple terms, many investors are frustrated by the low returns on other investment alternatives, such as bonds, and feel forced into the stock market in hopes of increasing total returns. The laws of supply and demand then take hold, and with the increased demand for stocks, prices go up.“ Download Churchill's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Churchill Management [+] Read More

Should You Invest in Master Limited Partnerships?

July 30, 2014
If you want to add more yield-producing investments to your portfolio, one option for you could be master limited partnerships (MLPs). They could help increase your portfolio’s overall yield and improve your retirement income strategy. MLPs – which invest largely in oil and gas assets – are experiencing a revival and currently pay attractive yields relative to traditional income producing assets, like dividend-paying stocks and US Treasuries:1 Asset Class Yield and Correlation (Click chart for larger version) Source: Newfound Research LLC. Yield on a given day is calculated using smoothed 12-month trailing dividends. Yield presented in the table is computed as of 3/31/2014. Correlation is calculated as Pearson correlation of monthly returns between the asset class ETF and the S&P 500 ETF “SPY” from ETF inception to 3/31/2014. [+] Read More

Shake-Up at Windhaven Investment Management

July 29, 2014
In 1994, Steve Cucchario founded what would later become Windhaven Investment Management, an investment advisory firm that uses actively managed ETF portfolios1 to “capture growth in rising markets while attempting to reduce exposure in declining ones.”2 Now, after 20 years running the company and serving as Chief Investment Officer, Cucchario has left for “personal reasons.”1 Investors who have assets with Windhaven or are considering investing should speak with their financial advisor about the implications of Cucchario’s departure. Windhaven’s initial success and tremendous growth came partially as a result of Cucchario’s vision and leadership, so investors must ask themselves if the future performance of the strategy is jeopardized by his departure. Will the principles that Cucchario instilled in Windhaven that led to its success also depart with him? [+] Read More

Protect Your Nest Egg: 4 Financial Scams to Watch Out For

July 26, 2014
According to a recent MetLife survey, $2.6 billion is lost each year to financial scams aimed at seniors and retirees.1 Being aware of the common financial scams is a good first step in protecting your nest egg, but hiring a financial advisor as your sounding board could be your best defense. Your advisor may have seen the scam before and can help prevent it from happening to you. 4 Common Financial Scams to Look Out For and How to Protect Yourself 1) “Reduce the Interest Rate on Your Credit Card” If an unsolicited caller says they can reduce your credit card rate and asks for your existing credit card number and personal information, hang up.2 You can always call your credit card company directly if you want to negotiate rates. It is important not to give your social security number or credit card number to anyone but the most trusted companies you have a working relationship with. [+] Read More

Enjoying Retirement: 5 Reasons to Turn Off CNBC

July 24, 2014
John Bogle, the founder of Vanguard Funds, has a piece of advice for investors: “Don’t be captivated by the siren song of the market.” Here’s a tip we’d add: turn off CNBC.1 Watching too much CNBC (and other financial news networks) can lead to information overload and result in short-term thinking and reactionary investment decisions, neither of which helps investors succeed over the long-term. As Bogle puts it, “impulse is your enemy.”1 With a nearly 24-hour financial news cycle, it’s easy to get caught up in latest trends and excitement of the market, but often what you see on CNBC is little more than dramatized financial reporting designed to invoke emotion. We think you can be a better investor by simply turning it off. Here are 5 reasons why. [+] Read More

Portfolio Strategy: 3 Must-Knows for the 2nd Half of 2014

July 17, 2014
As we enter the second half of the year, there are three main things you should be factoring-in to your portfolio strategy: 1) The Possibility of a Stock Market Correction A significant amount of time has passed since the last sizable market pullback (10% or more), and history tells us one could be on the way.1 2) You May Not Have Enough International Exposure International stocks have not rebounded as quickly as US stocks during the recovery, and the case for international growth looks strong at the moment. Yet, many US investors remain under-allocated to international equities.1 3) Adjusting Your Portfolio from a Risk-Managed Perspective This is a constant with investing, but as we enter the 5th year of this bull market it becomes increasingly important. Consider tactical money manager strategies with the ability to go to cash in the event of a prolonged market downturn.1 [+] Read More

Preparing Your Portfolio for the 2nd Half of 2014: 3 Issues to Watch

July 15, 2014
The first half of the year was positive for stocks and most of the fixed income markets, and economies around the world showed signs of continued recovery and expansion – a good start to the year.1 Global Economy Performance and Outlook (Click chart for larger version) Source: J.P. Morgan Global Economic Research, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Forecast and aggregate data come from J.P. Morgan Global Economic Research. Historical growth data collected from FactSet Economics. Guide to the Markets – U.S. Data are as of 6/30/14. As we look ahead to the back half of the year, there are three topics many investors are wondering about. We break those down below and assess what we think the market impact could be. 3 Factors that Could Affect the Investment Landscape Will Interest Rates Start to Rise? Interest rates are currently near historical lows, and actually fell slightly in the second quarter.1 However, Federal Reserve policy discussions indicate they could potentially tick higher over the course of the year. As always, it’s important to understand how rising interest rates would affect your fixed income portfolio. [+] Read More