WrapManager's Wealth Management Blog

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Certified Financial Planners: 7 Qualities that Set Them Apart

Posted by Michael J. O'Connor | CWS®, Vice President Investments

June 2, 2014

When you’re thinking about hiring a financial advisor, here’s one tip to keep in mind: consider hiring a Certified Financial Planner professional. This special breed of advisor is required to take classes on various aspects of financial planning and has obtained a certification recognized as the standard of excellence for competent and ethical personal financial planning.

CFP® professionals must meet several certification requirements, including extensive training and experience, and they are continuously held to rigorous ethical standards. As fiduciaries, they’re also ethically bound to make recommendations in your best interest.

Here are 7 things you can and should expect your CFP® professional to provide and adhere to:

1) Professional and Responsible

Your financial planner should take responsibilities seriously and place your interests over personal gain. The CFP® Board’s strict Standards of Professional Conduct is designed to ensure as much.

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Hiring a Financial Advisor

Want a Globally Diversified Portfolio? Consider Cambiar Investors

May 29, 2014
For many investors, a globally diversified portfolio makes sense as part of their investment plan. Within this field, international money manager Cambiar Investors' International Equity ADR strategy combines a deep level of focus and experience in international stocks, and it has demonstrated the ability to deliver positive results over time. WrapManager included it on our “Top Equity Money Manager Picks for 2014” list, and Investment Advisor Magazine awarded Cambiar and the strategy a “2012 SMA Money Manager of the Year [Award] for International Equity.” [+] Read More

When Setting Up a Trust Account, Your Location Matters: 3 Reasons Why

May 28, 2014
There are many factors to consider when setting up a trust account – who to choose as your trustee, how to invest the assets, what guidelines to establish for distributing the assets over time, and so on. An important factor you should also consider is where to set up the trust. State laws differ in how they treat trust taxes, privacy, and protection of assets, and some are distinctly friendlier than others. States Competing for Your Trust Business In recent years, states such as Delaware, Alaska, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Wyoming have modified their trust laws to make them more attractive to investors looking to minimize trust taxes, shield assets from creditors, and protect an individual or family’s privacy.1 Each of those three factors plays a key role as part of a well-rounded estate planning strategy. [+] Read More

2 Steps to Help You Fight the Effects of Inflation on Your Retirement

May 23, 2014
As we get older, spending habits tend to change and some things become a bit pricier. For example, health care expenses could rise and you may decide to increase your charitable contributions instead of travelling so much. Because of these changing spending habits and price increases, inflation for several items can be higher for those over 62.1 Our advice? Plan for it! A properly designed portfolio and investment plan that accounts for rising expenses can help you plan for them before they occur. We’ll touch on how to do that below. Retirees Experience Higher Inflation Relative to Other Consumers A recent study by JP Morgan shows that since 1985, inflation has increased at a faster pace for those aged 62 and older (the grey line, CPI-E, in the chart below). Older Individuals Experience Higher Inflation (Click chart for larger version) Source: JP Morgan Asset Management. *CPI-E is an experimental index from BLS that is based on elderly households with the referenced individuals at age 62 and older. **CPI-U is also referred to as Headline CPI. Source: Based on Consumer Price Indexes, BLS, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data as of December 31, 2013. [+] Read More

Good Harbor Tactical Core US – A Focus on Downside Protection

May 21, 2014
Chairman, Chief Investment Officer, and Co-Founder of Good Harbor, Neil Peplinski, aptly describes the Good Harbor Tactical Core US strategy using a short quote: “Investing in the stock market is important for long-term success…but so is capital preservation during times of market stress.” [+] Read More

Outlook on Emerging Markets Investing - Lazard Asset Management

May 19, 2014
Emerging Markets money manager Lazard Asset Management believes emerging market equities are nearing a bottom and valuations represent significant opportunity. “As emerging economies exit a period of China-led growth and cheap credit, attention has turned to the economic imbalances that developed during the boom years. These imbalances and their solutions vary by country. For example, China will probably reduce investment and increase consumption while the reverse is true for Brazil. The announcement and implementation of reforms is a crucial next step, and could result in a strong upside opportunity for emerging equity markets in 2014.” Download Lazard Asset Management's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Lazard Asset Management [+] Read More

Choosing a Trustee for Your Estate Plan: 7 Questions to Ask

May 19, 2014
Choosing a trustee is one of the most important decisions you’ll make if your estate plan includes one or more trusts. After you've reviewed your estate planning strategy, but before you appoint a trustee, it's important to evaluate whether or not the trustee can handle the duties of administration. Trustee (noun): A trustee is responsible for understanding and interpreting trust terms, distributing income and principle to the beneficiaries of the trust according to the guidelines set forth by you, preparing trust accountings, and filing tax returns – all while adhering to state and federal laws regarding appropriate standards of care. In other words, a trustee has control or powers of administration of your property and/or money in trust. For reasons that should be very clear, this means that you need to know how to choose a trustee that you trust, and that the person or entity is qualified to handle the duties. [+] Read More

Two Money Manager Strategies for the Current Market Environment

May 16, 2014
The stock market overcame some volatility early in the year but continued to trend higher. As the market has reached new all-time highs, many investors are wondering if it’s too late to put additional cash to work. Others have indicated they’re still waiting for a possible stock market correction before making any decisions. One thing remains clear – despite what happens in the market and when, it’s likely you still need your portfolio growing and generating retirement income over time. There are two types of money manager strategies that could ease concerns about where the market’s headed while positioning your portfolio for a variety of outcomes. Tactical Money Manager Strategies are designed to temper the effects of a market decline while trying to capture growth, and Dividend Income Money Manager Strategies aim to generate income while reducing volatility. Let’s take a look at both. [+] Read More

Two Portfolio Strategies for the Current Market Environment

May 15, 2014
The stock market overcame some volatility early in the year but continued to trend higher. As the market has reached new all-time highs, many investors are wondering if it’s too late to put additional cash to work. Others have indicated they’re still waiting for a possible stock market correction before making any decisions. One thing remains clear – despite what happens in the market and when, it’s likely you still need your portfolio growing and generating retirement income over time. There are two types of portfolio strategies that could ease concerns about where the market’s headed while positioning your portfolio for a variety of outcomes. Tactical Strategies are designed to temper the effects of a market decline while trying to capture growth, and Dividend Income Strategies aim to generate income while reducing volatility. Let’s take a look at both. [+] Read More

WrapManager Adds Newfound Research LLC Investment Strategies to Their Approved List

May 15, 2014
Newfound’s Tactical, Risk-Managed Strategies Available to Help Investors Achieve Investment Goals San Francisco, CA – May 9, 2014. WrapManager, Inc. (www.wrapmanager.com), an investment advisor specializing in building investment plans and recommending money managers for investors, is pleased to announce that they now offer three risk-managed investment strategies from Newfound Research LLC (www.thinknewfound.com), a quantitative asset management firm focused on tactical, ETF managed portfolios. [+] Read More