WrapManager's Wealth Management Blog

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Are There Tax Incentives Associated with Long-Term Care Insurance?

Posted by Gabriel Burczyk | Founder & CEO

September 5, 2013


When developing a comprehensive financial plan, there are numerous factors to consider, such as when to start taking social security benefits. What about your spouse? How should I allocate my portfolio to ensure my long-term goals are met? What money managers should I hire? And the list goes on.

As part of that plan, some people might consider purchasing long-term care insurance to protect their assets in the event they need extensive medical care later in life. Many don’t realize, however, that there could be tax incentives associated with long-term care insurance.

The IRS outlines all of the itemized deductions available long-term care insurance premiums that are considered a medical expense1. In order for all or part of long-term care insurance premiums to be tax deductible, however, a few conditions must be met.

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Long Term Care Insurance Taxes

Navellier & Associates - "War Fever" Spooks Nervous Investors

September 4, 2013
Louis Navellier discusses the latest impact that the Syrian "war fever" is having on the US and other markets around the globe. "The S&P 500 fell 1.84% last week and 3.13% in August. The Dow fell 4.45% in August. On Friday, Blackrock reported thatAugust was its biggest month for ETF withdrawals in more than three years (since January 2010), with $16.1 billion inredemptions through last Thursday. The S&P 500 SPDR alone had $13 billion in outflows. These withdrawals will likely causethe strength and breadth of the market to deteriorate, but it could also increase demand for many higher-quality stocks." Download Navellier's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Navellier & Associates [+] Read More

Churchill Management Group - "Sell on the Rumor, Buy on the News"

September 3, 2013
Churchill Management Group believes the odds of a stock market correction, defined by them as 10-20%, have increased. Their latest commentary explains their thinking, and addresses five news stories to expect this fall. "The above title is an old practical adage of Wall Street that describes how markets get rattled on the rumor of events to come and tend to settle down after the news has been revealed. As we go through the maturing phase of the bull market that began four-and-a-half years ago, it is a statement to keep in mind as the news coming in September is set to be expansive and emotional. On the docket are..." Download Churchill's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Churchill Management [+] Read More

Is the Chinese Economy Stabilizing?

September 1, 2013
WrapManager’s Weekly Summary of Market and Economic News According to recent data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the Chinese economy is stabilizing and should be able to meet growth targets on the year of 7.5%. The government has recently introduced policy measures of eliminating taxes on small businesses and increasing investment in urban infrastructure and railways to help give the slowing economy a boost.1 China’s Long-Term Economic Goals Over the long-term, China continues to indicate that they will tolerate lower growth rates as they move to reform the economy. Their goal is to rely less on exports and debt-finance construction for growth, and focus more on domestic demand while also reducing pollution and social inequality.1 Is the US Economy Slowing Down? Many analysts were optimistic there would be a pickup in economic activity in the second half of the year, but recent data point to a potential softening in the US economy. Spending, which accounts for approximately two-thirds of the US economy, was fairly weak in July, rising by a modest 0.1%. Inflation for the month was also tame, rising only 0.1% to 1.4%.2 [+] Read More

The Dangers of Short-Term Market Timing Strategies

August 31, 2013
As we established in our recent posts “Assessing the Probability of a Stock Market Correction” and “Are There Strategies to Handle Stock Market Corrections?,” market pullbacks are fairly normal occurrences within bull markets. We also pointed out some features that identify stock market corrections - they’re relatively short in duration, vary in size, and perhaps most importantly, they’re unpredictable when it comes to identifying when they’ll start and end. It’s the last point that makes short-term market timing strategies not only difficult to execute, but also potentially harmful to investors. Stock Market Corrections Are Unpredictable With stock market corrections, there are no clear warning signs for when investors should sell out of equities or when it’s time to reinvest. That creates two clear risks to short-term market timing strategies: An investor sells out of equities in an attempt to time the market correction correctly, but the stock market continues to rise. An investor might get it right and sell out of equities before a stock market correction, but then it becomes a question of when to reinvest. There is the risk that he or she misses out on the upside of the recovery. [+] Read More

Social Security Spousal Benefits: The Basics

August 30, 2013
In our previous post on Social Security retirement benefits, we looked at a few factors that might determine when someone should start receiving Social Security benefits. One of those factors centered on a spouse’s age and potential benefit, which we’ll examine a bit more closely in this piece. For the questions and scenarios below, we’ll assume the full retirement age is 66. You can determine what your full retirement age is using the Social Security Administration’s table here. What is a Social Security Spousal Benefit? A spousal benefit is equal to 50% of your spouse’s Social Security retirement benefit, as calculated at their full retirement age. If your social security retirement benefit based on your earnings record is greater than the spousal benefit, you will get paid the higher amount when filing for Social Security. [+] Read More

Lazard Asset Management - Time to Invest in Developing Markets?

August 25, 2013
Lazard's Developing Markets equity team explains why they are excited about their growth-at-a-reasonable-price philosophy in developing markets. "We think this phenomenon of paying a high premium for perceived stable growth is a reaction to the global financial crisis that has led many investors to anticipate another large shock to the global economy even as central banks have worked to reduce that risk. This bias could persist but should fade as any of the following begin to occur..." Download Lazard Asset Management's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Lazard Asset Management [+] Read More

Are There Strategies to Handle Stock Market Corrections?

August 24, 2013
In our recent piece “Assessing the Probability of a Stock Market Correction,” we explained the nature of corrections and examined the probability of a stock market correction occurring this year. We concluded we would not be surprised if a stock market correction occurred sometime in the future. Is there something that investors could or should do to prepare for the possibility of a stock market correction? Is There a Way to Avoid the Downside of a Market Correction? Given that stock market corrections are normal in a healthy market but unpredictable and short in nature, it’s nearly impossible to time it correctly. However, one strategy to avoid locking-in the downside of a market correction would be to remain invested throughout the correction. Below is a chart of the S&P 500 similar to the one we used in our “Assessing the Probability of a Stock Market Correction” piece, which illustrates the performance of the S&P 5001 from December 31, 2010 – August 14, 2013 (Click on the chart for a larger version): [+] Read More

Roundtable with Eagle Asset Management's Senior Portfolio Managers

August 23, 2013
Eagle Asset Management's Senior Portfolio managers sit down and discuss their outlook on what they consider the main issues in the world today. "Eagle Asset Management’s equity and fixed-income portfolio managers regularly meet to discuss ideas, events in the financial markets and potential opportunities for investors. The global economy still has areas of concern, especially in Europe and China. Meanwhile, there are mixed data points on the domestic front. Our managers’ discussion included such topics as how and when the Federal Reserve will taper its quantitative-easing program; U.S. energy independence; what effects, if any, federal policy and politics have on markets; and – perhaps most interesting to readers – how they have positioned investment portfolios." Download Eagle Asset Management's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Eagle Asset Management [+] Read More

Assessing the Probability of a Stock Market Correction

August 21, 2013
The run-up in stocks this year has been quite compelling so far. The S&P 500 is up +19.7% on the year as of August 51, and global stocks as measured by the MSCI World Index aren’t far behind at +14.34%.2 This strong performance has many investors asking: what is the probability of a stock market correction occurring sometime soon? Are there strategies to handle market corrections? Should I take some profits now as a short-term market timing strategy, so as to avoid any downside of a market correction? In a series of posts on stock market corrections, we’ll address these questions one at a time. What is the Probability of a Stock Market Correction Sometime Soon? Stock market corrections are normal occurrences in the markets. In fact, over the last 33 years the average intra-year decline for the S&P 500 is -14.7%.3 Using history as a guide offers some insight into a few examples of past stock market corrections (click on the chart for a larger version): [+] Read More