WrapManager's Wealth Management Blog

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Calamos Investments - Recovery Trumps Taper Talk

Posted by Michael J. O'Connor | CWS®, Vice President Investments

July 16, 2013

Where does Calamos Investments believe the market and economy are going? What are the longer term implications of the Federal Reserve's actions? Calamos' July commentary provides their answers.

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Calamos Investments

JP Morgan's Guide to the Markets - Third Quarter 2013

July 12, 2013
Dr. David Kelly, Chief Market Strategist for JP Morgan Asset Management, has released his latest Guide to the Markets, updated as of June 30, 2013. This guide illustrates a comprehensive group of market and economic histories, trends and statistics through clear, compelling charts and graphs. To read current editions of JP Morgan's Guide to Markets click here. [+] Read More

Roosevelt Investments - Second Quarter Review

July 12, 2013
Roosevelt Investments' All Cap Core Equity Team reviews the second quarter and gives their outlook for the rest of the year. "Equity markets were volatile in the last half of the second quarter, demonstrating investor sensitivity to statements from the Federal Reserve regarding the future of its quantitative easing program. Concerns about Fed policy dominated capital markets in the second quarter, generating volatility in stock and bond prices. Despite some hair-raising moments, U.S. equities ultimately continued their upward trajectory." Download Roosevelt's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Roosevelt Investment Group [+] Read More

Eagle Asset Management - China Wobbles

July 11, 2013
Eagle Assetment Management's July Commentary turns to China and the volatility in its credit markets. [+] Read More

Preparing Your Portfolio for Rising Interest Rates

July 10, 2013
Interest rates are still at historically low levels, but recent statements about quantitative easing from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke have put the prospect of rising interest rates front and center. Many investors are now asking - how do I prepare my portfolio for the possibility of rising interest rates? First, it’s important to understand that reducing or eliminating quantitative easing is a sign of an improving economy. Second, investors should look at how different fixed income sectors can be more or less susceptible to a rise in interest rates. And finally, investors should review their portfolios with their wealth manager, specifically the fixed income portfolio, and make adjustments as needed. [+] Read More

Nuveen Asset Management - Mid Year Ten Predictions Assessment

July 10, 2013
Chief Equity Strategist at Nuveen, Bob Doll, gives an update to his 10 predictions for 2013. [+] Read More

Navellier - Stocks Rise on Positive Job Gains Despite New Global Crises

July 10, 2013
Louis Navellier reviews the good jobs news in the US while looking to the Middle East and Southern Europe as sources of volatility. [+] Read More

Navellier & Associates - Great Rotation from Bonds to Stocks

July 3, 2013
Money manager Louis Navellier gives his thoughts on Bernanke's latest statements regarding quantitative easing and the subsequent reactions of the market and economists. "For the first half of 2013, the Dow rose 13.8%, NASDAQ +12.7%, and the S&P 500 +12.6%, marking the best first half since 1999, the last of five consecutive years of double-digit annual gains. Now, with U.S. Treasury bond yields shooting up so rapidly, it appears we’re finally seeing the start of a rotation from bond funds into equity funds, reminding me of a similar situation in 1994 when bond yields rose by 245 basis points, launching the most explosive phase of the 1990s stock bull market. Could it happen again?" Download Navellier's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Navellier & Associates [+] Read More

Churchill Management Group - Worried About the Big Picture

July 2, 2013
Churchill Management Group's June investment commentary draws parallels between the strategies used by central bankers and the government today and during the 1920s. [+] Read More

Nuveen Asset Management - The Fed Unintentionally Lays an Egg

June 25, 2013
Nuveen Asset Management's weekly investment commentary reviews the latest talk of winding down the current quantitative easing program by the Federal Reserve. "U.S. equities declined last week as the S&P 500 ended down 2.09%. The S&P suffered the first back-to-back one-day declines of more than 1% since last November. Global equities and bonds were also hit hard, with large sell-offs in emerging market assets, commodities and commodity currencies. Concerns about the fallout from dampened Fed policy accommodation are driving the weakness." Download Nuveen Asset Management's Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports on Nuveen Asset Management [+] Read More