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Special European Market Update - Navellier

Posted by Michael J. O'Connor | CWS®, Vice President Investments

November 10, 2011

With the dramatic events in Europe over the last few days, Louis Navellier is out with a special market update describing what's going on. "What is killing Greece and Italy is that their cumulative budget deficits are larger than the U.S. relative to GDP. When interest rates were low, both Greece and Italy could manage their interest burdens, but now that both countries are characterized by soaring interest rates, they have hit their respective breaking points."

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Navellier & Associates, Inc.

Choppy Markets Continue - Churchill Management Group

November 5, 2011
Churchill Management Group’s latest commentary focuses on the market rallies and weak technical indicators. “It continues to appear we are in that choppy period. The risk of being whipsawed during short-term rallies is high, so we will want to proceed with caution to ensure that the table is set for a sustainable run that will have legs and not just one that is bouncing around within a trading range.” Download Churchill’s Full Commentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Churchill Management Group [+] Read More

Third Quarter Portfolio and Market Review - Eagle Asset Management

November 3, 2011
Eagle Asset Management reviews the performance of their Small Cap Growth portfolio and the markets in their third quarter update. "The market was hit in the third quarter by a triple play that began with lower estimates of domestic growth, followed by the financial crisis in Europe and, most recently, growth forecasts slowing in China. We believe the lower estimates in domestic growth and associated financial issues already have been discounted in the current pricing environment." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Eagle Asset Management Inc [+] Read More

U.S.-China Trade: More Than a Game of Chicken

November 1, 2011
Lord Abbett's Milton Ezrati discusses U.S.-China trade relations and the potential for Congress to label China as a "currency manipulator." "If Congress can label China a "currency manipulator," then tariffs aimed at China become likely, as does Chinese retaliation in a pattern that would hurt world trade, growth prospects in both countries, and asset values on both sides of the ocean and beyond." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Lord Abbett Company Llc [+] Read More

The Strong Earnings Environment - Navellier

October 20, 2011
Navellier's third quarter commentary discusses high-frequency trading, S&P 500 earnings, the banking sector and Operation Twist. "In the aftermath of the recent selling capitulation, there are many incredible buying opportunities at hand, especially before another round of positive earnings announcements. We believe aggressive investors should be prepared to deploy capital before the third-quarter earnings announcement season commences. We realize the overall stock market has been worrying over the past quarter. Fortunately, the seasonally strong time of year is fast approaching, and as the holidays arrive, we believe there will be many opportunities for savvy investors." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Navellier & Associates, Inc. [+] Read More

The Same Old Song and Dance - Calamos Investments

October 20, 2011
Calamos third quarter commentary expresses many concerns about the global economy, but ultimately concludes that the healing process has begun. "We believe that emerging markets can come to the rescue, at least for the next few years. The imbalances in the global economy can be unsettling, as we noted, but these same imbalances create opportunities for countries, companies and investors on a global scale." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Calamos Investments [+] Read More

The Third Quarter Ends on a Mixed Note - BlackRock

October 3, 2011
BlackRock's Chief Equity Strategist Bob Doll explains his thoughts for the third quarter and what information will be guiding the market. "Overall, our view remains that the United States will avoid a recession, but we acknowledge that the pressures are growing. Ultimately, we believe the outcome of the European situation will help determine whether or not, and in what direction, markets will be able to break out of their current trading range." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Blackrock Inc [+] Read More

Understanding the Situation in Europe - JP Morgan

September 30, 2011
In one of the most informative pieces about the situation in Europe, JP Morgan Asset Management does an excellent job examining the history of the Euro and Eurozone and reviewing possible outcomes. We highly suggest reading this commentary, which examines: 1) the underlying issues plaguing Europe, 2) a summary of steps taken to address them so far, 3) a look at possible next steps and solutions, and 4) a few thoughts on investing in such difficult times. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about JPMorgan Asset Management [+] Read More

Government Regulations Impede Economic Growth - Wentworth Hauser

August 18, 2011
Money manager Wentworth Hauser & Violich is out with their 2011 summer review and outlook. "Virtually all economic indicators point toward continued economic expansion within the United States in the period ahead. Economic and employment growth will be slower than in past periods due to the headwinds created by government policies regarding regulation, mandates, rules, taxation and overall barriers to free market capitalism." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Wentworth, Hauser & Violich [+] Read More

Intense Volatility Rattles Investor Confidence - BlackRock

August 16, 2011
Bob Doll, Chief Equity Strategist at money manager BlackRock believes the fundamental foundations for the global economy should be sufficient to keep the recovery on track. "Our summary view is that we believe investors are overly pessimistic about the possibility of a renewed recession in the United States. It is important to remember that equity markets have a poor track record as acting as predictors of recessions and corporate fundamentals remain strong. Since 1950, the United States has never entered a recession with corporate balance sheets as flush with cash as they currently are." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Blackrock Inc [+] Read More