WrapManager's Wealth Management Blog

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Quantitative Pleasing - Roosevelt Investments

Posted by Valerie De Vol | President

November 22, 2010

On the heels of the Fed's announcement regarding QE2, the mid-term election, and a host of good economic data and corporate earnings reports, we are starting to feel incrementally more optimistic about the near-term. Nevertheless, our view continues to be that the most likely path forward will be the slow, plodding recovery providing periods of softness accompanied by volatility.

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Roosevelt Investment Group

Alliance Bernstein Says US Must Woo Multinationals

November 18, 2010
In recent months, several major multinational companies announced plans to boost investment in the US. We think these moves may mark the start of a shift in global investment, production and trade patterns. But more incentives are needed to attract multinational manufacturing to the US, which could go a long way toward reducing the trade deficit. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about AllianceBernstein LP [+] Read More

Roosevelt Investment Group’s October Commentary - Money For Nothing

October 19, 2010
Roosevelt Investments continues to believe that in the coming months the economy will grow at a slow, plodding rate, below what is likely to be needed for meaningful job creation but on balance providing an environment which is positive for capital markets. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Roosevelt Investment Group [+] Read More

Happy Bond Investors with Allegiance Capital Management

October 7, 2010
Fixed income remains our asset class of choice. With the Fed signaling its willingness to unleash QEII and a faltering growth outlook, Treasuries, we suspect will remain underpinned at the current low yields. With sound credit fundamentals, credit should continue to provide attractive yield. That said, with yields now at historic lows and spreads not too far from historic averages, the outsized returns from fixed income will be increasingly limited going forward. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Allegiance Capital [+] Read More

Making Sense of Healthcare Reform with Lord Abbett

September 30, 2010
Now that healthcare reform is the law of the land, the multi-trillion-dollar question is, who will prosper and who will suffer? Lord Abbett experts assess the potential opportunities and pitfalls in a complex and sometimes perplexing new environment, where many new rules have yet to be written. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Lord Abbett Company Llc [+] Read More

"We Will Not Have a Double-Dip Recession at All": Federated's Weekly Update

September 20, 2010
That's not my quote; that comes from the Oracle of Omaha. At an economic development summit in Montana on Monday, Warren Buffett said business at all his firm's diverse businesses is on the rise. His comments fit with much of the recent economic data that has been pouring in, including some this week (see below). Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Federated Investors Inc [+] Read More

Stall Speed with Roosevelt Investment Group's September Commentary

September 15, 2010
While our belief continues to be that a double-dip scenario is unlikely, we think the odds that we may be headed back into recession have increased ever so slightly. In our opinion the economy is moving along at a rate of growth akin to stall speed, an aeronautical concept that describes the speed below which an airplane cannot create enough lift to sustain its weight. The longer our economy proceeds at this low level of growth, the greater the chances in our view that some exogenous factor or event could be enough of a headwind to push the economy into recession. Download Full Commmentary Here [+] Read More

Lord Abbett Says the Economy Cannot Recover Without Healthy Securitization Markets

September 14, 2010
Although the recession may have ended in the third quarter of 2009, a number of threats to the recovery continue to loom. Some believe that one of these is the stagnation of the securitization market. As the Financial Times reported last year, "Securitized markets - which financed more than half of all credit in the United States in the years immediately preceding the crisis - are essential for the U.S. economy. Without a recovery in these markets, the flow of credit will not return to more normal levels, even if U.S. banks overcome their problems." Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Lord Abbett Company Llc [+] Read More

Understand the Importance of Asset Class Correlation with Avatar Associates

September 9, 2010
One of the most important features of the investment markets of the last decade or more has been the gradual rise, across the globe, in the correlation relationships between assets of all types. That is, markets are increasingly moving together. These markets can be as diverse as an emerging country equity index and a domestic equity sector…Too much similarity among dissimilar investments leads, in fact, to instability. Download Full Commmentary Here [+] Read More

How Will the Financial Reform Bill Affect the Economic Recovery? - Janus Capital

September 7, 2010
Much of the regulation's implementation has been left to regulators, which limits the ability to quantify its overall effects. While there isn't full clarity at this point, it is important to recognize that this is one of the largest pieces of financial legislation in the last 100 years, and the most significant since the 1930s. While politics are inherently messy, we think this reform is a step in the right direction for the health of the U.S. banking system's long-term profitability, as well as for the overall economic growth of America. Download Full Commmentary Here Get Free Research Reports about Janus Capital Management LLC [+] Read More