Wealth Management Blog | WrapManager

Third Quarter International Equity Market Outlook - Cambiar Investors

Written by WrapManager's Investment Policy Committee | October 31, 2013

International equity money manager Cambiar Investors
' latest investment commentary discusses their outlook for the international equity markets and the performance of their International and Global equity portfolios.

From the commentary: "As we enter the final quarter of 2013, it would not be a surprise if the year-to-date enthusiasm towards equities wanes in favor of a more defensive posture. The reasons for caution are plentiful: gridlock in Washington, taper timing by the Fed, a new Fed Chairperson, uncertainty in Syria, and above all – a stock market that is no longer that cheap. As the saying goes, the market climbs a wall of worry…but resolution on these fronts would certainly bolster investor confidence."


Download Cambiar Investors' Full Commentary Here

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