Oftentimes when it comes to investing, there are habits/tasks we know we should do, and habits/tasks that we’d maybe prefer to do. Saving 20% of every paycheck and keeping cool during volatile markets are examples of things we should do. Splurging on a trip to Europe and selling stocks to “wait out” the downside volatility might be examples of things we’d prefer to do.
For many savers and investors, there is a constant tension between these two, even though we know that the clearest path to long-term success is saving more, spending less, and investing prudently. Much like losing weight, the formula for success is fundamentally simple – but the execution and follow-through can be painstakingly hard.
The fundamental question, then, is: what can we do to shift our behavior? What can we do to form better, lasting habits that lead to long-term financial success?
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