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Eagle Asset Management - Interest Rates and Your Retirement Plan

Posted by WrapManager's Investment Policy Committee

July 9, 2015

Eagle Asset Management's Richard Skeppstrom provides his market perspective for July.

"Prudence is restraining growth?

Second-quarter domestic economic growth  has not bounced as much as expected. That’s  curious because the weather has improved  and the collapse in the price of oil put money  in folks’ pockets. I’ve read in a few different  places that we are saving the money that  we would have spent on fuel. Saving? Like,  not spending? Frankly, I’d dismissed the  whole notion as absurd. Americans spend.  However, that was until I saw a brief note  describing Larry Fink’s theory on the matter.  He’s the maestro of BlackRock and I pay  attention when he speaks (he manages a few trillion dollars more than me). Mr. Fink  believes very low interest rates are forcing  people to save more for retirement. That’s  entirely logical but hard to embrace since we  (a large swath of the adult population) have  ignored the economic realities of retirement  for as long as I can remember.  

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market perspective Eagle Asset Management

Eagle Asset Management's Perspective on Rate Increases

June 25, 2015
Eagle Asset Management's Richard Skeppstrom discusses the Fed's approach to debt and credit in this month's Market Perspective. "Betwixt and between The easy money’s been made. That’s not gloomy talk. It’s not controversial. It’s not a recommendation to do  anything. It’s a fact. You can expect high returns from  stocks when margins are depressed, valuations are low,  interest rates can be slashed and the U.S. Federal Reserve is about to juice the system. But that’s simply not where we are now. We are in a new market where the returns will be lower, fewer things will work and volatility will be higher. We will be in this environment for the foreseeable future. This is sort of like getting older. As they say, it’s better than the alternative. Cheer up. [+] Read More

Federated Investors - Strategic Value Dividend Commentary

June 24, 2015
Federated Investors discusses consumer spending and speculates on the potential "snapback" in the coming quarter. "Market Overview The month closed with the first revision to the first-quarter flash estimate of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), showing the economy entered contraction territory. A wider trade deficit, smaller inventory build and a downward tweak to already modest consumer spending drove the decline, putting real GDP at -0.7% annualized. The report was hardly surprising to the markets, which actually had been expecting a little worse. The bigger question is how much of a snapback to expect in the current quarter.  [+] Read More

Cambiar Investors Commentary - Q1 2015

June 11, 2015
In Cambiar Investors' First Quarter Market Commentary, they discuss a wide array of world events effecting their positions. “The first part of 2015 saw global financial returns transposed versus the back half of 2014. Following a peculiar 2014 where U.S. blue chip stocks generated the only significantly positive returns in U.S. dollar terms, conditions have so far reversed in 2015, with international returns faring better than U.S. returns in both local currency and dollarized terms. [+] Read More

Eagle Asset Management May 2015 Market Perspective

June 10, 2015
Eagle Asset Management portfolio manager, Richard Skeppstrom, provides his May market perspective. "A Catch-22: The powerful earnings advance will peter out without better economic growth but the Fed will raise rates if the economy accelerates." Richard Skeppstrom, manager for Eagle's Strategic Return Portfolio, comments on his view of the U.S. Market's neutral state. [+] Read More

Geneva Advisors - Q1 2015 Market Perspective

May 27, 2015
Geneva Advisors provides their First Quarter Perspectives on the market. "The relative strength of the U.S. dollar has been an important force for the market in recent periods. Stock prices are near record highs and valuations of many companies are extended. A disciplined investment process, an active investment approach and a long‐term focus will continue to be critical to achieving investment objectives. [+] Read More