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J.P. Morgan Releases 2Q 2018 Guide to the Markets

Posted by WrapManager's Investment Policy Committee

April 5, 2018

J.P. Morgan Quarterly Guide to the Markets Now Available 

JP Morgan's Guide to the Markets (GTM) for the second quarter of 2018 is now available for your review. The comprehensive 71-page includes detailed charts illustrating: 

  • S&P valuation measures
  • The length and strength of economic expansions 
  • Interest rates and inflation
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JPMorgan Asset Management JP Morgan JP Morgan Guide to Markets Money Manager Commentary

Nuveen Believes Market Fundamentals Remain Solid Over the Long-Term

March 29, 2018
Are investors overly pessimistic about downside market risks? While fundamentals haven’t changed significantly, volatility has picked up recently and stocks have been trading in a broad range between their early February highs and the low established in last month’s correction. The U.S. and global economies appear on sound footing, inflation pressures appear contained, the labor market remains strong, corporate earnings are solid and interest rates have been rising only modestly. Given this divergence between our views and market behavior, we think it makes sense to focus on why we think some risks may be overstated. Read a summary of Nuveen Asset Management's weekly investment commentary below, or download as a PDF. [+] Read More

JP Morgan Examines Economic Growth and Employment

March 22, 2018
JP Morgan's weekly update offers investors an at-a-glance summary of economic news and reports.This week's update looks at: • Economic growth • Corporate profits • Employment • Changes at The Fed Read an excerpt from this week's update below, or download JP Morgan's complete economic commentary. [+] Read More

Nuveen Weighs the Effect of Trade Tariffs & Investors Bidding Up Stock Prices

March 15, 2018
Investors look past trade risks as stocks gain ground... President Trump’s proclamation of 10 - 25% trade tariffs dominated most of the financial headlines last week, but investors looked past the negatives to bid up stock prices. The S&P 500 Index rose 3.6% last week. Half of that gain came on Friday, following a strong labor market report that showed jobs increases and stable wages. For the week, industrials, financials, technology and materials were all up over 4%, while utilities lagged. Treasury yields also rose last week in the face of stronger economic data. Read a summary of Nuveen Asset Management's weekly market review below, or download the entire investment commentary as a PDF. [+] Read More

BlackRock Evaluates Short-Term Treasuries

March 8, 2018
Long on Short Bonds... The steady increase in shorter-maturity bond yields provides a thicker cushion against concerns around further rises in interest rates. Interest rates would need to jump more than one percentage point to wipe out a year of income in the two-year Treasury note. This is nearly double the cushion on offer two years ago – and far larger than the thin insulation provided by longer-term bonds today. We believe the short end offers relatively compelling income along with a healthy buffer against the prospects of further increases in yields. Read an excerpt of BlackRock's commentary below, or download the complete commentary now. [+] Read More

Nuveen Evaluates Environment for Market Growth, Volatility

February 22, 2018
Stocks recover ground as the focus returns to fundamentals... Stocks rebounded last week as investors appeared to return their focus to improving economic growth and solid corporate earnings. The S&P 500 Index jumped 4.4% and experienced its best week in more than five years. While stocks remain down for the month, they are back in positive territory for the year. Volatility also declined last week as markets calmed down slightly. Treasury yields rose last week as the yield curve flattened. At one point, the 10-year Treasury yield climbed to 2.94% before declining. While we may see further market volatility, it appears the worst of the recent correction is in the rear view mirror Read a summary of Nuveen Asset Management's weekly market review below, or download the entire investment commentary as a PDF. [+] Read More

Stock Market Volatility: Could These Be Future Considerations for Investors?

February 16, 2018
Money Managers continue to reflect on the market volatility from last week, lessons learned, and consider what's to come. This week's post is another compilation of articles from three different money managers. Lord Abbett's day-by-day recap of last week's market ups and downs. Senior Portfolio Manager Bob Doll shares Nuveen's outlook on market volatility and other factors investors should consider, while Federated Investors focuses in on dividend investing in 2018. Lord Abbett and Company Nuveen Asset Management Federated Investors [+] Read More

Updated: JP Morgan Guide to the Markets for 1Q 2018

February 15, 2018
Updated with 4Q 2017 Data JP Morgan's updated Guide to the Markets for the first quarter of 2018 now includes financial data for 4Q 2017, including: S&P500 Earnings Per Share (EPS) Corporate earnings: capex vs. payouts Cash flow and corporate debt for S&P 500 companies This 71-page guide is full of charts that provide key insights into the labor market, housing, corporate debt and other key financial topics. Download J.P. Morgan's updated Guide to Markets for 1Q 2018, or continue reading to learn more about the information it contains. [+] Read More

Money Manager Commentary: Why Was the Market So Volatile This Week?

February 8, 2018
Money Managers have had plenty to say about the market volatility that started last week. That’s why this week we’re doing something different. The post below is a compilation of five different commentaries. As usual, you can read the excerpt below, or click the link to download the full version of each of the individual commentaries. Keep reading to see what the following money managers say about this week’s volatility. Lord Abbett and Company Cambiar Investors Nuveen Asset Management Federated Investors ClearBridge Investments [+] Read More

BlackRock Commentary: An Upside U.S. Growth Surprise

January 31, 2018
A tax overhaul in the U.S. could spill over to benefit the global economy. The U.S. tax overhaul and higher expected federal spending points to faster growth just as the expansion enters its ninth year. This represents a of sea change from U.S. fiscal policy’s long drag on growth and bodes well for the synchronized, global expansion. Read an excerpt of BlackRock's evaluation below, or download the complete commentary now. [+] Read More