WrapManager's Wealth Management Blog
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5 Ways Going Back to Work Affects Your Retirement Income Strategy

Posted by Michael J. O'Connor | CWS®, Vice President Investments

April 6, 2016

Going-Back-to-Work_Affects_Retirement-Income.jpgRetirement sometimes means being busier than ever, and for some that’s because you have re-entered the workforce with a new passion or a new project (the income is nice too).

If you’ve returned to work or are thinking about it, it’s important to consider how your additional retirement income could affect other parts of your investment plan. Walk through these five questions with your financial advisor to see how you might be affected.

1) How Will the Income Affect My Social Security Retirement Benefits?

If you are already collecting Social Security retirement benefits, and you are below the normal retirement age (between 66 and 67 for those born after 1943), then your benefits will likely be reduced depending on how much income you are making. The law states that for every $2 you earn above the annual limit ($15,720 for 2016), you get $1 less of Social Security benefits. This is known as the “earnings test.”

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Retirement Income Strategy

What’s the Cost of a Successful Retirement?

February 17, 2016
Discussions about retirement planning usually begin with a basic question: What’s the cost of a successful retirement? If everyone had the same expenses, the same family situation, and the same retirement goals and aspirations, there could be a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. But each person’s situation is unique. That said, there are certainly rules of thumb that can be extremely helpful when it comes to retirement planning. Using general guidelines—with a healthy helping of personalization—you can answer the very important question of how much you will need to have a successful retirement. Let’s first take a look at general guidelines, and then we’ll look at the ways each person needs to personalize retirement planning to fit their unique situations. Rules of Thumb Everyone can begin their retirement calculations from a few basic rules of thumb and then personalize from there. The following guidelines can help you get a rough, generalized estimate of what you’ll need for a successful retirement. [+] Read More

Cash Vs. Mortgage in Your Retirement Lifestyle Planning

October 6, 2015
Many people approaching retirement consider where they will live during their retirement years. Relocating to a more affordable or comfortable area could be an important part of your retirement lifestyle planning. Even if you plan to remain in your current home, however, your family nest egg will be influenced by your home financing. Cash vs. Mortgage Different schools of thought exist about whether it’s best to pay off your home and live debt free or carry a mortgage during your retirement years. It seems like a simple decision, but several factors complicate this decision. Further, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Depending on your personal retirement lifestyle planning goals and your current situation, one of these options will likely be more advantageous than another. Your financial advisor can help you sort out the ramifications of whether to pay off your mortgage, carry a loan, or consider a reverse mortgage. [+] Read More

We Go the Extra (3,000) Mile!

September 9, 2015
One of the many aspects of WrapManager that I love so much is the diversity of our clients from a geographic standpoint. We have clients all over the country. Given that WrapManager is headquartered in San Francisco, however, we do not have the opportunity to see a lot of our clients in person as much as we would like. Because of this WrapManager has always strived to be at the forefront from a technology standpoint, especially when it comes to services like Go to Meeting or Join Me, to allow us to bring our clients onto our computers for quarterly reviews. I commonly say that using a service like Join Me allows a client to feel like they are looking over my shoulder at my computer screen together with me. We have local clients that even prefer to utilize this technology during our quarterly reviews because it allows them to see our screen comfortable in their own home. [+] Read More

4 Easy Steps to Planning Your Retirement Income

January 21, 2015
Transitioning from the working world into retirement brings a wealth of exciting new opportunities – having more time to spend with your family, traveling the world with a loved one, or perhaps devoting fresh time to an old (or a new!) hobby. If there’s one challenge though, it’s making sure you have sound wealth management strategies in place to support all of your income needs. The good news is that it’s a challenge you can easily address with the help of a financial advisor, and it essentially boils down to four easy steps. [+] Read More

Boosting Your Retirement Income in the New Year

December 31, 2014
Many people think of Social Security as a steady, if meager, contributor to their retirement income—no flexibility, but at least it shows up monthly. The truth is, however, that there are strategies you can use to maximize your Social Security income. By incorporating these strategies into your overall retirement lifestyle planning, you can provide yourself with more options during retirement. The Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits The Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits allows for one spouse to begin collecting spousal benefits even as their own retirement benefits continue to grow. If you continue to let one spouse’s benefits grow until age 70, the benefit will be quite a bit higher than it would have been if collected at age 66. [+] Read More

Welcoming a New Family Member: Retirement Lifestyle Planning

December 24, 2014
The addition of a new family member is a wonderful and life-changing event! Your new family member may be a new spouse, a new son- or daughter-in-law, a new child, or a new grandchild. Along with celebrating this new family member’s arrival, consider how you may need to make changes to your retirement lifestyle planning. The following helpful reminders can help you to start your new family member on firm financial footing. [+] Read More

It's Time to Review Your Fixed Income Portfolio

November 13, 2014
Many investments view their fixed-income portfolio as a "safe haven" of sorts. Though each investor's goals are unique, fixed-income portfolios are often designed to help preserve principle, generate retirement income and potentially reduce overall portfolio volatility. Just like you do with stocks, it’s essential to make sure your fixed income portfolio is diversified. And although interest rates remain low,1 as Winston Churchill once said: "An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."2 Take the time to work with your financial advisor to review your fixed income portfolio. Here are a few things to discuss. [+] Read More

3 Early Tips for Year-End Investment Planning

October 23, 2014
Part of planning for the end of the calendar year includes a thorough review of your investment plan. One of the problems that many people face is discovering they may have not paid as much attention to investment planning as they originally thought. While the stock market has stayed fairly strong through most of 2014, it may still be a good time to re-evaluate your portfolio, especially if your goals have changed and you have yet to adjust your investment plan. Here are a few topics to cover with your Financial Advisor before year end. [+] Read More

Keep Your Retirement Plan on Track with Quarterly Reviews

October 2, 2014
Your Financial Advisor is there to keep an eye on your investments and make adjustments to keep your finances on track. But if your journey through retirement is going to stay on track, you should regularly check in with your Financial Advisor as your life and the economy change. These reviews (at least quarterly) give you an opportunity to evaluate your goals and make adjustments to your investment and retirement income plan. They also help make sure your investment strategies are still appropriate for you. It is also a good time to take care of housekeeping items such as updating beneficiaries. Tasks like these may seem minor, but they could have a big impact on your finances if they’re neglected. It doesn’t take long to review your investment plan with your Financial Advisor. Just an hour or two per quarter can keep everyone on the same page and help you to meet your goals. [+] Read More